Know When to Head Over For a Brake Pad, Clutch Disc and a Tyre Replacement

Some components in a car require periodic replacements. Parts such as brake pads, clutch discs and tyres have a finite service life after which they fail to deliver optimum performance. A new tyre comes with a tread depth of 8mm, which erodes overtime till the tyre becomes unusable.

You’ll know that you need to swap out your car’s old tyre set when its tread depth approaches 3mm. Now, the minimum legal tread depth in the UK is 1.6mm; however, experts recommend changing to new tyres while at 3mm.

On the contrary, there are no such universal agreeable limits in case of brakes and clutch discs. Careful observation and intuition are the only reliable resources to gauge the limits of these parts.

How to Know When to Change the Brakes?

Two tell-tale signs that you must replace the brake pads of your car–

  • Squealing and Screeching Metallic Sounds When Applying Brakes –

This happens when the brakes pads are eroded that the metallic indicator rubs against the rotor. The purpose of this metal stud is to produce a sharp sound when the brakes pads are eroded and have reached their limit. It is advisable to continue driving in this condition as it can permanently damage the rotor discs of your car.

  • The Car Pulls to One Side When Braking –

If your vehicle pulls to one side when braking, it may mean that the brake pads are wearing unevenly. Opt for a full set brake pad replacement in such cases.

Additionally, your brakes life depends on your driving conditions. If you are a city dweller and drive in stop-and-go city traffic, then your car will require frequent brake pad replacement. In contrast, brake pads in cars of people who stay in the suburbs will last for long times.

When it comes to tyres, there are obvious signs that indicate a replacement is due. When the tread wear indicators start to show on the surface, you must switch to a new tyre set. Now, when doing so, there are a few things that you must keep in mind –

  • Always fit winter tyres when the temp falls below 7°C. Otherwise, drive with Summer Tyres Blackburn or elsewhere in the UK to enjoy the best
  • Always maintain proper wheel alignment, as it facilitates even tread wear.
  • Avail a tyre rotation service as per your manufacturer’s recommendation. A general guideline is to rotate tyres between 6000 to 8000 miles.
Signs that Your Clutch Disc Has to Be Replaced
  • Your Car Doesn’t Gain Speed Even After Applying Acceleration –

When a clutch disc is eroded, it fails to engage the engine output shaft with the gearbox input properly. As a result, your car’s engine continues to produce high loads of power, but it doesn’t help with the speed.

  • Trouble in Changing Gears –

Are you having trouble shifting gears, even after completely pressing down the clutch pedal? It is a definitive sign of a worn clutch. You'll have difficulty when shifting from 1st gear to neutral, and it will require extra force to shift the gear knob.

Regular maintenance will enable you to identify when to go for a replacement of any of these parts. Visit professional auto garages like Nils Tyre Service, when in need for new tyres or brake pad and clutch disc replacement. Additionally, they offer services like a Wheel Alignment in Blackburn and puncture repair.

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